
Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter

Ambala Science lab is a leading Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer,and suppliers

Ambala Science Lab is one of the premier Physics laboratory equipment manufacturers and suppliers in Ambala. Our offerings encompass high-quality products that are designed to promote effective learning and experimentation in physics. The equipment we manufacture is widely used in educational institutions at various levels, including schools, colleges and research laboratories throughout India.

Some of the basic physics Laboratory equipments we supply include optical benches, lenses, prisms, mirrors , voltmeters, ammeters, resistors, capacitors, magnets, force tables, pendulums, thermometers, sonic meters, tuning forks as well as other measuring instruments. Additionally we provide modern physical science devices such as Geiger counters, photoelectric cells and radioactive sources for advanced studies. All our equipment has been developed with user friendliness, durability, accuracy, reliability, easy operation, convenience, safety standards and maximum satisfaction for students, researchers, teachers, technicians, scientific personnel, hobbyists, amateurs etc.

At Ambala Science Lab our commitment is towards providing innovative high quality physics laboratory equipment which meets the changing needs of the education sector over time.

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