Botany Fossil Slides Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter

Product Code : EL-SAS-10620
Ambala Science lab is a leading Botany Fossil Slides Manufacturer,and suppliers

These are peel sections of plant fossils. 
With each slide a coloured labelled description card is provided.

Equisetales :
Stylocalamites T.S.
Young Calamites T.S.
Extremely young calamites with all cells of the pith intact, carinal canals just making their first appearance and x2 represented only by about a dozen secondary tracheids.
Annualaria T.S.
Astromyelon-pith fully developed.
Calamites Roots
Calamites T.S. Complete round Stem with over 25 vascular bundles each showing distinct carinal canal.
Calamites T.S.-with branch in association.
Calamites Root-pith fully developed.
Calamostachys Binneyana T.S.
Calamostachys Binneyana L.S.
Calamostachys Americana
Asterocalamites leaves-branching.
Protocalamites T.S. with CPX on the inner side of protoxylem.
Arthropitys T.S.
Arthrodendron T.S.
Calamodendron showing charactrastic med rays, parenchyma in the middle flanked by thicker cells.
Neo-Calamites T.S.
Calamites Sporangia
Sphenophyllum Plurifoliatum T.S. stem
Sphenophyllum Plurifoliatum T.S. root
Sphenophyllum Leaf T.S.
Sphenophyllum Cone part
Bowmanites Cone

Psilophytales :
Rhynia Stem T.S.
Rhynia Major T.S.
Rhynia Gwynevaughani T.S.
Rhynia GW T.S.
Rhynia L.S.
Rhynia T.S. fungal spores paleosporites.
Rhynia Sporangium (rare)
Rhynia T.S. Rhizome
Horneophyton T.S.
Horneophyton Sporangium
Psilophyton T.S.
Psilophyton Sporangium
Prototaxites Logani

Lycopodiales :
Lepidodendron Selaginoides T.S. complete round stem with mixed pith in the centre and leaves intact.
Lepidodendron Vasculare T.S. with stele branching (a rare stage)
Lepidodendron Youngaxis T.S.
Lepidodendron Harcourtii T.S. Young
Lepidodendron Johnsonii T.S.
Lepidodendron Periderm
Lepidodendron Root T.S.
Lepidodendrofolium T.S.
Lepidodendron Fuliginosus T.S.
Lepidostrobus Profuse Sporangia
Lepidostrobus Pulvinatus with cone axis
Lepidophyllum Ligule
Lepidophloios Fuliginosus T.S.
Lepidophylloides Leaf T.S.
Lepidocarpon Wildianum L.S.
Lepidocarpon Young L.S.
Lepidocarpon SP (L. lomaxi) L.S.
Lepidostrobus Complete (Peel)
Lepidostrobus Cone L.S.
Lepidostrobus Strobilus
Lepidophloios leaf bases-several in situ.
Lepidophloios Fulginosus T.S. (Peel)
Lepidophyllum Leaves with area of ligule
Lepidophyllum Leaf T.S.-midrib anatomy
Halonia-leaf bases
Sigillaria Leaves T.S.
Sigillaria T.S. Stem
Sigillaria Phyllum T.S.
Bothrodendron Stem T.S.
Bothrodendron Sporangium
Bothrodendron Spores
Stigmaria Ficoides with accessory strands.
Stigmaria Ficoides bunch
Stigmaria Root T.S.
Stigmaria T.S. with X2
Stigmaria within Stigmaria
Stigmaria Bacupensis-several together.
Stigmaria Archnoidea with characterstic thickened dark inner cortex.

Filicales :
Botryopteris Ramosa T.S. Stem
Botryopteris Ramosa Root
Botryopteris Ramosa T.S. Petiole
Botryopteris Cylindrica T.S. Stem
Botryopteris Cylindrica T.S. Root
Botryopteris Cylindrica T.S. petiole
Botryopteris Antiqua T.S petiole
Botryopteris Antiqua Stem
Botryopteris Hirsuta T.S.
Botryopteris Globossa
Botryopteris Tridenteta
Botryopteris Forensis
Botryopteris Americana
Botryopteris Sporangia
Psalixochlaena (new genus) T.S. petiole
Stauropteris T.S. primary rachis
Stauropteris T.S. Phyllophore
Stauropteris Megaspore
Stauropteris Microspores
Stauropteris-with four PX groups two of which show further branching.
Etapteris-mature-complete H-shaped xylem
Etapteris-Scott-I,II,III rachis stages
Ankyropteris Stem
Ankyropteris Westphaliensis T.S. petiole
Ankyropteris Grayi T.S. petiole
Zygopterid Petiole
Psaronius T.S. Root
Psaronius full stem sector (peel).
Stipitopteris (Psaronius petiole)
Tempskya T.S. Root
Psaronius Petiole

Cycadoficales :
Lyginopteris Oldhamia T.S. stem young with five distinct mesarch bundles and complete leaf basesin regular sequence.
Lyginopteris Oldhamia T.S. stem older
Lyginodendron T.S. Stem
Lyginopteris Wood-L.S.
Calmototheca Stem T.S.
Rachiopteris Aspera with V-shaped xylem
Rachiopteris Aspera with 2V-shaped bundles seperating out.
Kaloxylon Hookeri-Old stage
Kaloxylon Hookeri-Young stage
Lageno Stoma L.S. Cupule
Heterangium-Young with characterstic X1
Heterangium-Older with outer scler enchy matous plates.
Heterangium Stem T.S.
Heterangium with double leaf trace
Schopfiastrum Decussatun
Colpoxylon-the rare genus with branching stele of medullosa type
Medullosa Stem perfect T.S.
Medullosa Root
Myeloxylon T.S. complete scattered bundles
Neuropteris distinct T.S. with midrib and wings
Pecopteris T.S.
Cyclopteris T.S.
Alethopteris T.S.

Cordaitales :
Cordaites Stem T.S. complete
Cordaites Root-youngest
Cordaites Root-older
Cordaites Leaf T.S.
Cordaites Leaf T.S. excellent with cycadean bundles.
Cordaites Leaf associated with winged spores.
Cordaites Seed
Cordaites Stem with artisia (Peel)
Cardiocarpus L.S.Seed
Cardiocarpus Spinatus R.L.S.
Cardiocarpus Spinatus Male flower pollination stage.
Cordaianthus one or two sections T.S.
Cordaianthus Male flower
Cordaitophyllum T.S.leaf
Nucellangium L.S. well preserved.

Fossil Angiosperms :
Enigmocarpon Parijai Sahni the wonderful fossil fruit full section excellently preserved.
Veeracarpon Hexaspermum T.S.
Sahnianthus Parijai Shukla L.S.
Sahnianthus Parijai Shukla T.S.
Sahnipushpam SP, Shukla fossil flower T.S. with pentalocular ovary and outer hypanthium.
Tricoccites-Single large fruit clear.
Tricoccites-with about half dozen fruits in situ (Peel)
Shuklanthus Superbum Verma the monocot inflorescence with central axis having scattered bundles and numerous six locular flowers arranged peripherally, cut variously.
Rhizopalmoxylon-(Palm roots)
Sperganities Seed
Azolla Intertrappea Sahni (Azollites) preserved fossil Azolla
Rodeites Sporocarp mega and micro spores.
Sausarospermum-Allied to fossil Salvinia numerous spores with frilled margin.
Palmoxylon Sclerodermum Sahni T.S.
Plamoxylon Sclerodermum Sahni L.S.
Dadoxylon Resinosum T.S.
Dadoxylon Resinosum L.S.
Cycadeoidea Stem T.S. excellent
Dolorotheca Formosa
Palaeostachya Cone L.S.
Sphaerostoma seed
Proto Osmundities
Diplolabis with Trace

Fossil Specimens (Each with labelled Descriptive Card) :
Calamites Stem—Rare specimen. Very fine with alternating ridges & furrows at node.
Schizoneura—Stem with nodes having distinct paires of leaf-lobes very clear veins in each lobe.
Glossopteris—The leaf genus-an Index type for the Glossopteris flora. leaves spathulate, ovate or lines, lanceolate. Each leaf is characterised by the presence of distinct midrib. The latteral veins from an anastomosing network.
Gangamopteris—This is second characteristic genus of Glossopteris flora marked by the absence of midrib. Veins meeting in the centre.
Palaeovittaria—(Andrews; P. 425) Glossopteris like with parellel veins.
Scutum—Rare fructification of Glossopteris found just in close association with the leaf (Ref. Andrews P. 355)
Willamsonia—complete Fructification—Rare-Showing bracts, ovules scale marks, region of stamens, Solid specimen very fine.
Willamsonia—Stem—Showing growth rings and conifersous structure as mentioned by Prof. Sahni, FRS.
As Above—With leaf bases intact. 
William Sonia—Slender fructification branch 
William Sonia—Stamens
William Sonia—Leaves 
(a) Ptilophyllum
(b) Pterophyllum
(c) Nilssonia
(d) Taeniopteris
(e) Nipaniophyllum
(f) Dictozamites (Each)
Pentoxylon—Stem—Representative of the new group discovered by prof. B. Sahni FRS showing all the five steles.
Nipaniophyllum—The Leaf genus of Pentoxylon-several together showing leaf form-fine.
Macrotaneopteris—Another leaf form referable to Pentoxyleae
Cordaites—Leaf—The specimen shows clear impression of long slender cordiated leaves
Neuropteris—The specimen about a few inches showing several neuropteris leaves each with its characteristic divergent veins. 
Elatocladus—Slender small leaves attached sparingly
Coal-Ball—Material—With Stigmaria and other types-Carboniferous-Rare with indefinite preserved plant materials.
Sphenopteris—Different species-clear specimens
Marattiopsis Macrocarpa—Very well preserved specimens with profuse sporangia
Gleichenites Glechenoides—Pinnae long slender bearing small crowded pinnules.
Pecopteris—Pinnules small with paralled or slightly curved margins attached by whole width at the base. 
Ptychocarpus—(Marattiaoeae)-Pecopteris like frond with circular syangia on lower surface.
Asterotheca—Ptychocarpus like frond with sporangia fewer
Cladophlebis—(Osmundaceae)-Fronds Pinnate-bipinnate with lone preading pinnae, pinnules sterile, pointed, falcate.
Rodeites Dakshini Sahni—Hydropterid sporocarp-fine with large megaspores & profuse mass of microspores.
Cycadeoidea—Stem—with large leaf bases in situ (wonderful specimens) cross section cut and smmothened 
Cycadeoidea—Flower Bud—Specimen-Cross Sectional view as per Arnold
Cycadeoidea—Foliage—Foliage-Different Genera each 
Enigmocarpon—Parijai Sahni—The most wonderfully preserved fruit about 2 cm well preserved 
Sahnianthus—Parijai Shukla—The rarest fossil flower, discovered by Prof. V.B. Shukla which solved the enigmatic riddle of Enigmocarpon. 
Tricoccites—A large three-seeded Monocot fruit 
Palmoxylon SP—Several specimens of petrified Palms suitable also for research showing very clear scattered fibrovascular bundles each
Rhizopalmoxylon (Palm roots)—Collection showing several petrified roots together in congregation, various types.
Cordaites Stem 
Cyclantho Dendron
Betula Leaf
Lepidodendron Stem

Set of Fossil Specimen :
Impression-(Fossil-Fern)-Mesozoic 120 million years old
Compression (Fossil)-Palaeozoic-180 million years old
Petrifaction-(Fossil-wood)-Eooene-60 million years old
Animal Fossil-(Physasp)-Fossil Molluse Cretaceous-70 million years old
Pseudo-Fossil (Concretion-wonderfully)-resembling Suparl-the Betel-nutt, Palaeozoicabout 200 million years old

Rare Fossil Specimen-Nodules :
Annularia-(Calamites-leaves) in whorl
Nodule-Impression: Percopteria
Nodule-Compression: Percopteris
Nodule-Nueropteris: Large 12.5 cm
Nodule-Nueropteris: Regular in nodule form (U.S.A.)

Common Fossils to Demonstration Fossils to Demonstrate Clear Concept of Creatures lived Millions of Years Ago :
Dicot Root Fossil w/o Rock
Dicot Root Fossil intact in Rock
Dicot Leaf Fossil
Monocot Leaf
Palmoxylone Root Intact
Seed Fossil Intact in Rock
Monocot Root Fossil
Stem with Bark Fossil
Seed in Fruit Fossil
Dendrite Fossil
Lepidodendron Leaf-Lepidophyllum-Nodule

Fossil Sets :
A set of 12 fossils and fossils casts, showing different types of fossils, designed to develop an awareness of what fossils are and how they are formed. 
It forms an ideal introduction to the Fossils Characteristics and Identification. 
It`s contents—
Plantae, Pteridosperm, Carboniferous.
Mollusca, Lamellibranch, Recent.
Mollusca, Gastropod, Tertiary.
Mollusca, Ammonite, Jurassic.
Mollusca, Belemmite, Jurassic.
Brachiopoda, Brachiopod, Jurassic.
Coelenterata, Coral, Carboniferous.
Coelenterata, Graptolite, Ordovician.
Echinodermata, Crinoid, Carboniferous.
Echinodermata, Echinoid, Jurassic.
Arthropoda, Trilobite, Siluriamn.
Vertebrata, Shark’s tooth, Miocene.

Fossil Collection Tools :
Rock Chisel Pointed 
Rock Chisel Blunt 
Geological Hammer 
Fossil Trowels
Fossil Brush Pointed
Fossil Brush (Wide)

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