Zoology Prepared Slides Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter
Product Code : EL-SAS-10624
Ambala Science lab is a leading Zoology Prepared Slides Manufacturer,and suppliers
Coelentrata :
Alcyonium Spicules W.M.
Jelly Fish W.M.
Aurellia Tentaclocyst W.M.
Baugainvilla W.M.
Companularia W.M.
Diphyes W.M.
Eudendrium W.M.
Ephyra Larva W.M.
Hydra W.M.
Hydra with Nematocyst W.M.
Hydra with Bud W.M.
Hydra with Gonads W.M.
Hydra T. S. Body
Hydra L. S. Body
Hydra T. S. Testis
Hydra Ovary T. S.
Hydra Gastrula with Embryonic Theca W.M.
Hydra Medusae W.M.
Lytocarpus W.M.
Obelia Colony W.M.
Obelia Medusae W.M.
Pennaria W.M.
Plumularia W.M.
Pleurobrachia W.M.
Physalia-Section Showing Nematocyst
Sea Anemone TS
Sea Anemone LS
Sertularia W.M.
Telesto Colony
Tubularia W.M.
Hydractinia W.M.
Gorgonia Spicules
Protozoa :
Amoeba Proteus (imported)
Amoeba Giant (Chaos Chaos)
Amoeba Pelo Myxa
Amoeba Encystment W.M.
Amoeba Binary Fission
Arcella W.M.
Alphidium W.M.
Balantidium Coli W.M.
Colpidium W.M.
Didinium W.M.
Eimeria Coccidium in Tissue
Epistylis W.M.
Entamoeba Histolytica W.M.
Entamoema Histolytica cyst
Ephelota (Marine)
Entamoeba Coli W.M.
Euglena W.M.
Entamoeba Histolytica Cyst
Foraminifera Ooze W.M.
Foraminifera Types a set of four slides per set 4×C
Giardia Smear
Leishmania Donovani
Leishmania Tropica
Malaria Parasite (in H. Blood)
M.P. (Developing Zygote in Mos.)
Malaria Parasite (Signet ring)
M. Parasite-Oocyst in Mosquito
Monocystis (Trophozoite)
Monocystis (Sporozoite)
Monocystis (Mixed Stage)
Mixed Protoza-Amoeba, Euglens & Paramoecium in one slide
Noctiluca W.M.
Nyctotherus W.M.
Opalina W.M.
Polystomella W.M.
Paramoecium W.M.
Paramoecium in Fission
Paramoecium Conjugation
Plasmodium Vivax
Plasmodium Malariai
Plasmodium Falciparum
Radiolaria, Ooze (imported)
Trypanosoma in Blood
Porifera :
Eustongia W.M.
Grantia T.S
Grantia LS
Sponge Gemmule
Grantia Spicules
Leucosolenia W.M.
Spongilla W.M.
Spongilla T.S
Spicules (Monoaxon)
Sponge Spicules (Mixed)
Sponge Fibres
Sponge Skeleton
Sycon T.S.
Sycon L.S.
Plathyhelminthes :
Echino Coccus W.M.
Liver Fluke W.M.
Liver Fluke TS middle Region
Liver Fluke Gonad Region TS
Liver Fluke TS Proboscis
Liver Fluke TS Post. Region
Liver Fluke Cercaria W.M.
Liver Fluke Metacercaria W.M.
Liver Fluke Redia W.M.
Liver Fluke Sporocyst W.M.
Liver Fluke Miracidium W.M.
Liver Fluke redia with cercaria
Liver Fluke eggs W.M.
Planaria W.M.
Planaria TS
Schistosoma W.M.
Tape worm scolex W.M.
Tape Worm bladder worm W.M.
Rumen fluke W.M.
Fish Fluke W.M.
Tape worm proglottid immature
Tape worm proglottid (Gravid)
Tape worm proglottid mature
Tape worm eggs W.M.
Tape worm in H. Intestine TS
Nemathelminthes :
Ascaris male TS
Ascaris female TS
Ascaris male and female TS on same slide
Ascaris pharynx TS
Ascaris eggs W.M.
Hook worm W.M.
Pin worm W.M.
Dracunculus W.M.
Guinea worm W.M.
Oxyuris W.M.
Trichinella spiralis cyst in muscles
Waucheria brancofti (Filaria) smear
Necator Americana
Annelida :
Earth worm ant. reg. LS
Earth worm buccal reg. TS
Earth worm pharynx TS
Earth worm gizzard TS
Earth worm clitellum TS
Earth worm seminel vesicle
Earth worm prostate gland
Earth worm heart reg. TS
Earth worm typhlosole reg.
Earth worm intestine reg.
Earth worm ovary W.M.
Earth worm spermatheca W.M.
Earth worm brain ring W.M.
Earth worm septal nephridia W.M.
Earth worm pharyngeal nephridia W.M.
Earth worm setae W.M.
Glossiphonia W.M.
Heteronereis parapodia
Heteronereis W.M. (small)
Leech TS
Leech nephridia W.M.
Leech Jaw W.M.
Leech (small) W.M.
Nereis parapodia W.M.
Nereis TS
Nereis ant. reg. LS
Trochophore larva W.M.
Tubifix W.M.
Sagitia W.M.
Phoronis larva W.M.
Crustacea :
Argulus W.M.
Alima larva W.M.
Branchipus W.M.
Cyclops W.M.
Cypris W.M.
Caprella W.M.
Centipede W.M. stinging leg
Daphnia W.M.
Gammarus W.M.
Lucifer W.M.
Megalopa W.M.
Mysis W.M.
Mite W.M.
Peripatus TS
Nauplius larva W.M.
Prawn TS
Prawn gill W.M.
Prawn gill VS
prawn statocyst W.M.
Phyllosoma larva W.M.
Oniscus W.M.
Spider W.M.
Scorpion book lung W.M.
Sacculina TS
Tick W.M.
Zoea larva W.M.
Metazoea larva
Arthropoda—(Insecta) :
Aphid W.M.
Anopheles male W.M.
Anopheles female W.M.
Anopheles mouth parts male W.M.
Anopheles mouth part female W.M.
Anopheles eggs W.M.
Anopheles larva W.M.
Anopheles pupa W.M.
Auditory organ W.M.
Thoracic spiracle
Bird louce W.M.
Bed Bug Mouth parts
Bed bug W.M.
Cockroach mouth parts
Cockroach SAlivary glands
Cockroach malphigian tubules
Cockroach hepatic caeca
Cockroach ovary TS
Cockroach testis TS
Cockroach leg WM
Cockroach spiracle thoarcic
Cockroach spiracle abdominal
Cockroach gizzard
Cockroach trachea W.M.
Cockroach muscles striated
Cockroach wing W.M.
Culex male W.M.
Culex female W.M.
Culex mouth part male W.M.
Culex mouth parts female W.M.
Culex larva W.M.
Culex eggs W.M.
Culex pupa W.M.
Compound eye W.M.
Dragonfly mouth parts
Grass hopper mouth parts
Grass hopper Testis
Grass hopper ovary
Housefly eggs W.M.
Housefly larva W.M.
Housefly pupa W.M.
Housefly male W.M.
Housefly female W.M.
Housefly mouth parts W.M.
Head louse W.M.
Honey bee mouth parts
Honey bee sting W.M.
Rat flea W.M.
Termite worker W.M.
Termite soldier W.M.
Thrips W.M.
Wasp sting W.M.
Pediculus eggs W.M.
Drosophila eggs
Drosophila larva-I stage
Drosophila larva-II stage
Drosophila pupa W.M.
Drosophila male W.M.
Drosophila female W.M.
Drosophila white eyed
Drosophila yellow eyed
Drosophila red eyed
Drosophila black eyed
Drosophila vestigial winged
Arthropoda—(Insect Wings) :
Anopheles wing W.M.
Butterfly wing W.M.
Culex wing W.M.
Cockroach wing W.M.
Dragonfly wing W.M.
Grass-hopper wing W.M.
Honey bee wing W.M.
Housefly Wing W.M.
Termite wing W.M.
Butterfly scale W.M.
Insect Mouth Parts :
Biting & Chewing type
Fang musk (odonate)
Hemipteran type
Hymenopteran type
Piercing & Sucking type
Siphoning type W.M.
Sponging type W.M.
Insect Antenna :
Clavate type
Geniculate type
Filiform type
Lamellate type
Monliform type
Pectinate type
Plumose type
Serrate type
Setiform type
Cetaceous type
Bipectinate type
Stellate type
Insect Legs :
Clining type
Fossorial type
Jumping type
Pollinating type
Running type
Typical insect leg
Minor Phylla :
Rotifers W.M.
Bugula W.M.
Lingula larva
Actinotroch larva
Mollusca :
Glochedium Larva
Veliger’s Larva
Ospharidium of Pila
Octopus arm TS
Redula of Pila W.M.
Sepia TS eye reg.
Unio Shell ground thin
Unio gill TS
Unio foot TS
Unio body & gill TS
Echinodermata :
Bipinnaria larva W.M.
Sea urchin pedicellaria W.M.
Pluteus larva W.M.
Echinopluteus W.M.
Ophiopluteus Larva WM.
Starfish pedicellaria W.M.
Starfish tube feet W.M.
Starfish arm TS
Starfish blastula W.M.
Starfish gastrula W.M.
Lower Chordata :
Amphioxus TS tail
Amphioxus oral hood TS
Amphioxous entire W.M.
Amphioxus TS pharynx
Amphioxus TS intestine
AmphioxusTS atrium
Amphioxus Gonad Region TS
Balanoglossus TS trunk reg.
Balanoglossus TS Gonads
Balanoglossus ant. reg LS
Balanoglossus TS proboscis reg
Balanoglossus TS branchial reg
Balanoglossus Collar reg. TS
Ciona W.M.
Herdmania spicules
Doliolum W.M.
Oikopleura W.M.
Pyrosoma W.M.
Salpa Sexual W.M.
Salpa Asexual W.M.
Tornaria larva W.M.
Ammocoetes branchial reg.
Ammocoetes post reg.
Ascidian Larva WM
Amphioxus Embryology :
Amphioxus early cleavage
Amphioxus blastula
Amphioxus gastrula
Amphioxus late embryo
Pisces (Fishes) :
Ctenoid scale W.M.
Cycloid scale W.M.
Placoid scale W.M.
Rhomboid scale W.M.
Dogfish skin TS
Fish TS head reg.
Fish Ts gill reg.
Fish skin TS
Fish TS trunk reg.
Fish TS air bladder
Fish TS tail reg.
Fish LS entire
Shark embryo TS snout
Shark embryo TS thro’grill
Shark embryo TS thro’eye
Shark embryo TS trunk
Fish heart LS
Fish stomach TS
Fish Liver TS
Fish Intestine TS
Fish ovary TS
Fish spinal cord TS
Fish heart LS
Fish Kidney TS
Fish scroll valve
Animal Histology :
Adrenal gland TS
Animal Cells
Bone calcified TS
Bone decalcified TS
Bone Marrow
Epithelium squamous Epithelium columner
Epithelium ciliated
Epithelum glandular
Epithrlium sensory
Epithelium striated
Epithelium cuboidal
Epithelium stratified
Epithelium pigmented
Elastic cartilage
Fibrous cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
Lymph gland TS
Goblet cells TS
Transitional ephithelium
Medullated nerve TS
Non-Medullated nerve TS
Vein, artery and nerve on same slide
Golgi complex
Muscles striated
Muscles unstriated
Muscles cardiac
Muscles smooth LS
Muscles bundle TS
Chromatophores W.M.
Nerve fibres
Adrenal Gland TS
Mammary gland TS
Pituitary gland TS
Parathyroid gland TS
Thyroid gland TS
Thymus gland TS
Salivary gland TS
Yolk gland TS
Tissue connective
Tissue aerolar
Tissue adipose
Mucous tissue
Frog Histology :
Artery TS
Bone TS calcified
Bone decalcified
Brain cerebrum TS
Brain olfactory lobe
Brain LS
Brain cerebellum
Blood smear
Cartilage TS
Duodenum TS
Eye VS
Gall bladder TS
Heart TS
Heart LS
Intestine TS
Liver TS
Lung TS
Lung LS
Kidney TS
Kidney LS
Ovary TS young
Ovary mature
Nerve TS
Oesophagus TS
Pancreas TS
Rectum TS
Sperm smear
Stomach TS
Spleen TS
Skin VS
Testis TS
Fat body TS
Tongue TS
Spinal cord TS
Vein TS
Skin with chromatophore
Frog Embryology :
Egg-2 celled VS
Egg-4 celled VS
Early cleavage TS/W.M.
Late clesvage TS/W.M.
Blastula VS/W.M.
Gastrula VS/W.M.
Embyro W.M. 4 mm
Embryo 4mm VS/W.M.
Embryo 7 mm VS/WM
Neural fold stage VS/W.M.
External Gill stage W.M.
Internal gill stage W.M.
Yolk plug stage TS
Tadpole W.M.
Tadpole buccal reg. TS
Tadpole gill reg. TS
Tadpole trunk reg. TS
Tadpole head reg. TS
Tadpole heart reg. TS
Tadpole eye reg. TS
Tadpole tail reg. TS
Frog ovary with mature eggs TS
Frog testis mature sperms TS
Mammal Histology (Rabbit, Rat or Cat) :
Artery TS
Aorta TS
Blood smear
Blood smear showing lymphocytes and Esnophyll
Brain cerebrum TS
Brain cerebellum TS
Bone calcified TS
Bone decalcified
Colon TS
Duodenum TS
Epiglottis TS
Epiglottis LS
Eye VS
Eye Iris region VS
Fallopian tube TS
Heart TS
Heart LS
Ileum TS
Jejunum TS
Kidney LS
Pancreas TS
Liver TS
Large intestine (Rectum) TS
Lyranx TS
Lung LS
Lung TS
Lymph gland TS
Medulla Oblangata TS
Oesophagus TS
Umblical cord TS
Ovary TS
Ovary with corpus luteum TS
Oviduct TS
Nerve TS
Spinal cord TS
Skin VS
Spleen TS
Sperm smear
Penis TS
Trachea TS
Testis TS
Stomach Fundus TS
Stomach Cardiac TS
Rectum TS
Retina VS
Tendon Fibers W.M.
Thymus Gland TS
Tail TS B
Tongue TS
Vermiform Appendix
Vagina VS
Vein TS
Uterus TS
Urinary Bladder TS
Ureter TS
Normal Human Histology :
Adipose Tissue
Adrenal Gland T.S.
Aorta T.S.
Areolar Connective Tissue
Artery T.S.
Bar Bodies
Blood Smear
Bone Development
Brouches of Lung
Brain Stem T.S.
Cardiac (heart) Muscles
Cerebellum T.S.
Cerebral Cortes T.S.
Colon T.S.
Compact Bone T.S.
Compact Bone L.S.
Cornea T.S.
Coronary Artery T.S.
Duodenum T.S.
Eccrine Glands
Epididymis T.S.
Gall Bladder T.S.
Glandular Epithelium
Golgi Apparatus
Hyaline Cortilage
Holocrine Glands in Section
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