Botany Slides Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter

Product Code : EL-SAS-10621
Ambala Science lab is a leading Botany Slides Manufacturer,and suppliers

Algae Cyanophyceae :
Anabaena WM
Aphanotheca WM 
Chrococcus WM 
Gleotrichia WM 
Gleocapsa WM 
Gleothecea WM 
Lyngbya WM 
Microcystis WM 
Nostoc WM 
Nostoc in root section 
Oscillatoria WM 
Rivularia WM 
Stigonema WM 
Scytonema WM 
Spirulina WM 
Tolypothrix WM 

Chlorophyceae :
Acetabularia WM 
Botrydium WM
Bryopsis WM
Bulbochaete WM
Chlamydomonas WM
Chlamydomonas palmella WM
Caulerpa frond WM
Chaetophora WM
Chaetomorpha WM
Chlorococcus WM
Chara vegetative WM
Chara reproductive
Chara sexual V.S.
Chlorella WM 
Cladophora WM
Cladophora reproductive WM
Closterium WM
Cosmarium WM
Coleochaete WM 
Coleochaete discoid WM 
Coleochaete antheridia 
Coleochaete oogonium 
Desmids mixed WM 
Diatoms pinnate 
Diatom centric 
Drapanaldiopsis WM 
Enteromorpha WM 
Fristichella WM 
Hydrodictyon WM 
Halimeda WM 
Eudorina WM 
Mougeotia WM 
Nitella WM 
Oedogonium vegetative 
Oedogonium capcells WM 
Oedogonium macrandrous WM 
Oedogonium nannandrous WM 
Oedogonium oogonial WM 
Pandorina WM 
Pithophora WM 
Spirogyra vegetative WM 
Spirogyra scalariform conj. WM 
Spirogyra lateral conj. WM 
Stigoclonium WM 
Ulothrix vegetative WM 
Ulothrix reproductive WM 
Ulva thallus WM 
Vaucheria vegetative WM 
Vaucheria reproductive WM 
Volvox daughter colony WM 
Volvox oogonial colony WM 
Volvox antheridial colony WM 
Volvox zygote colony WM 
Volvox mixed stage colony WM 
Zygnema vegetative WM 
Zygnema conjugation WM 

Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae) :
Corallina WM 
Dictyota apical dichotomy 
Dictyota oogonial thallus VS 
Dictyota antheridial thallus VS 
Dictyota tetrasporic thallus 
Ectocarpus unilocular WM 
Ectocarpus plurilocular WM 
Fucus thallus TS 
Fucus male conceptacle VS
Fucus female conceptacle VS 
Padina thallus WM 
Sargassum thallus (leaf) TS 
Sargassum male conceptacle TS 
Sargassum female conceptacle TS 
Sargassum bladder TS 
Laminaria Thallus TS 
Laminaria Receptacle VS 

Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) :
Amphiora WM 
Batrachospermum Veg. WM 
Batrachospermum fruiting WM 
Compsopogon WM 
Gracillaria thallus TS 
Gracillaria WM with cystocarp 
Gracillaria cystocarp TS 
Porphyra WM 
Polysiphonia antheridial WM 
Polysiphonia cystocarp WM 
Polysiphonia tetrasporic WM 
Polysiphonia vegetative WM 
Pediastrum WM 

Phyco mycetes :
Bremia WM 
Cystopus conidia VS 
Cystopus sex organsVS 
Cystopus zygote VS 
Mucor veg. WM 
Mucor sporangia WM 
Mucor (Zygote) WM 
Phytophthora host leaf TS 
Perenospora WM 
Pilobolus WM 
Pythium WM 
Rhizopus veg. WM 
Rhizopus sporangia WM 
Rhizopus sexual WM 
Saprolegnia vegetative WM 
Saprolegnia sexual WM 
Stemonites WM 
Synchytrium host leaf TS 
Synchytrium Prosorus 

Ascomycetes :
Aspergillus (Euratium) conidia
Ascobolus VS 
Erysiphae WM 
Lycoperdon VS 
Morchella TS 
Neurospora TS 
Penicillum veg 
Penicillum Conidial 
Phyllactinia WM/TS 
Protomyces on host TS 
Peziza apothecia VS 
Taphrina VS 
Uncinula WM 
Xylaria stroma CS/LS 
Yeast budding 
Yeast cell 

Virology and Bacteriology :
Bacteria typical 
Coccus form 
Bacillus form 
Spirill form 
Gram positive bacteria 
Gram negative bacteria 
Gram lacto spirillum 
Root nodule of legume TS
Micrococcus WM 
Cocosococcus WM 
Staphylococcus aureus 
Staphylococcus viridance 
Bacillus anthracis 
Bacillus subtalis 
Clostridium tetni 
Corynebacterium diphtheri 
Escherichia coli 
Mycobacterium leprae
Neisseria gonococcus 
Mycobacterium tuberculous 
Pasteurella (Plague) 
Salmonella typhi 
Salmonella shiga 
Shigella dysenterae
Spirochaetes (Syphlis) 
Vibrio cholera (Cholera) 
Pneumococcus (Pneumonia) 
Small pox virus 
Polio virus 

Basidiomycetes :
Agaricus stipe TS 
Agaricus pileus VS 
Agaricus stipe & Pileus VS 
Agaricus button stage VS 
Polyporus TS/LS 
Puccinia uredo on wheat leaf TS 
Puccinia teleuto on wheat stem TS 
Puccinia aecidia on barbery leaf 
Puccinia pycnia VS 
Ustilago spores WM 
Ustilago with host 
Uromyces VS 
Ravenilia VS 
Melampsora TS 

Deuteromycetes :

Lichens :
Lichen thallus TS
Lichen thallus WM 
Lichen soredia WM 
Lichen apothecium VS 

Bryophyta :
Anthoceros thallus LS/TS 
Anthoceros sporophyte WM
Anthoceros sorophyte TS/LS 
Anthoceros archegonia WM/TS 
Anthoceros antheridia WM/TS 
Cyathodium thallus TS 
Conocephalum anthd./archeg. TS 
Conocephalum thallus TS 
Cryptomitrium thallus TS 
Dumortiera thallus TS 
Funaria antheridia VS/WM 
Funaria archegonia VS/WM 
Funaria capsule LS/TS 
Lunularia gemma cup VS 
Marchantia thallus TS 
Marchantia gemmae cup VS 
Marchantia gemmae WM 
Marchantia antheridial head VS 
Marchantia archegonial head VS 
Marchantia sporophyte VS 
Moss protonema WM 
Moss leaf WM/TS 
Moss stem TS 
Moss archegonial head VS/WM 
Moss antheridial WM/VS 
Moss capsule LS/TS
Moss peristome 
Moss plant with capsule WM
Notothyllus sporophyte WM 
Notothyllus sporophyte LS 
Plagiochasma thallus 
Plagiochasma receptacle 
Porella veg. WM 
Porella antheridial 
Porella archegonial 
Porella sporophyte
Polytrichium archegonial VS/WM 
Polytrichium Antheridial VS/WM 
Polytrichium capsule VS/TS 
Riccia thallus TS/WM 
Riccia antheridial VS 
Riccia archegonial VS 
Riccia mature sporophyte VS 
Riccia zygote TS 
Sphagnum WM 
Sphagnum sporophyte 
Sphagnum antheridial 
Sphagnum archegonial 
Targonia thallus TS 

Pteridophytes :
Azolla sporocarp VS 
Adiantum rhizome TS 
Adiantum root TS 
Adiantum petiole TS 
Adiantum sorus VS 
Botrychium rhizome TS 
Botrychium root TS 
Botrychium stipe TS 
Equisetum prothallus VS 
Equisetum root TS 
Equisetum rhizome TS 
Equisetum stem TS 
Equisetum cone TS/LS
A. Equisetum sports W.M 
Fern rhizome TS 
Fern prothallus young 
Fern prothallus with antheridia 
Fern prothallus with archegonia 
Fern prothallus with sporophyte 
Fern leaf with sori TS 
Fern sori WM 
Fern prothallus TS 
Fern Rachis 
Fern root TS 
Fern leaf with true indusium 
Fern leaf with false indusium 
Fern Ramenta WM 
Gleichenia rhizome 
Gleichenia rachis 
Gleichenia sporangia WM 
Isoetes stem TS 
Isoetes stem tuber TS 
Isoetes microsporophyll TS 
Isoetes megasporophyll TS 
Isoetes leaf TS 
Isoetes root TS 
Lycopodium stem TS
Lycopodium apex LS 
Lycopodium cernum stem TS 
Lycopodium clavatum stem TS 
Lycopodium phlegmaria stem TS 
Marsilea leaf TS 
Marsilea root TS 
Marsilea rhizome TS 
Marsilea petiole TS 
Marsilea sporocarp TS/LS 
Marsilea sorus WM 
Ophioglossum rhizome TS/LS 
Ophioglossum root TS 
Ophioglossum spike TS 
Osmunda rhizome TS 
Psilotum stem TS 
Psilotum rhizome TS 
Psilotum synangia VS/LS 
Psilotum synangia TS 
Selaginella root TS 
Selaginella rhizophore TS 
Selaginella leaf WM/TS 
Sleaginella stem TS 
Selaginella strobillus WM/LS 
Selaginella microsporangia
Selaginella mega and microsporangia WM 

Gymnosperm :
Cycas normal root TS 
Cycas coralloid root TS 
Cycas Leaflet (Pinna) TS 
Cycas rachis TS 
Cycas microsporphyll TS 
Cycas megasporophyll TS 
Cycas ovule LS 
Pinus root (young) TS 
Pinus root (old) TS 
Pinus young stem TS/LS 
Pinus stem RLS/TLS 
Pinus dwarf shoot TS 
Pinus male cone TS/LS 
Pinus wood TS 
Pinus pollen grain WM 
Pinus female cone TS/LS 
Pinus ovule VS 
Pinus needle TS 
Pinus 3-needle TS 
Ephedra male cone TS 
Ephedra female cone TS 
Ephedra ovule TS 
Ephedra stem TLS/RLS 
Ephedra stem TS
Ephedra root TS 
Agathis stem TS 
Cupressus stem TS 
Cupressus male/female cone LS 
Abies stem TS 
Juniperus stem TS 
Juniperus male/female cone LS 
Ginkgo stem TS 
Ginkgo petiole TS 
Ginkgo male cone TS 
Ginkgo female cone TS 
Ginkgo leaf TS 
Taxus stem TS 
Taxus wood TS 
Taxus leaf TS 
Taxus male cone TS 
Taxus female cone VS 
Thuja stem TS 
Thuja male cone VS 
Thuja female cone VS 
Cedrus stem TS 
Cedrus leaf TS 
Cedrus male cone TS 
Cedrus female cone TS 
Cedrus ovule LS 
Gnetum stem TLS/RLS 
Gnetum stem TS 
Gnetum petiole TS 
Gnetum root TS 
Gnetum leaf TS 
Gnetum male cone TS/LS 
Gnetum female cone TS/LS 
Gnetum ovule VS 
Aurocaria leaf TS 
Aurocaria stem TS 
Aurocaria male cone TS 
Aurocaria female cone TS 
Zamia ovule VS 
Zamia petiole TS 
Zamia leaf TS 
Podocarpus Stem TS 

Angiosperm Cell & Its Contents :
Typical plant cell (onion) 
Cucurbita epidermal hairs WM 
Tradescantia epidermal Hairs 
Allium root apex mitosis 
Starch grains eccentric 
Starch grains concentric 
Potato tuber VS 
Bean cotyledon TS 
Compound starch grains 
Semi compound grains 
Schizo genous cavity 
Lysigenous cavity 
Aleurone layers, grain TS 
Protein bodies 
Raphides, WM 
Tanin cell 
Inulin (dahalia root TS) 
Sclereids in section 
Water storage cells silica deposits 
A. Calcium oxalate crystals 

Tissue Slides :
Trichoblasts in section 
Apical stem meristem LS 
Aerenchyma TS or WM 
Collenchyma TS or WM 
Sclerenchyma TS or WM 
Sclerenchyma fibersmacerated 
Stone cells TS 
Glandular tissue nectary VS 
Latex cells TS 
Mucilage duct section 
Oil cavities, citrus fruit VS 
Xylem elements proto & meta TS 
Xylem, spiral and annular vessels 
Xylem elements pitted vessels 
Xylem elements bordered vessels 
Phloem elements 
Sieve tubes
Unicellular hairs WM 
Multicellular hairs WM 
Stellate hairs WM 
Glandular hairs WM 
Stinging hairs WM 
Wheat grain TS 
Maize grain TS 
Paddy grains TS 
Resin canal 
Protostele in section 
Actinostele in section 
Plecostele in section 
Siphonostele in section 
Solenostele in section 
Dicotystele in section 
Actostele in section 
Polystele in section 
(A) Tracheids 

Dicotyledon Stem :
Achyranthus stem TS 
Amaranthus stem TS 
Aristolochia young stem TS 
Aristolochia old stem TS 
Avecenia stem TS 
Begonia stem TS 
Boerhavia stem TS 
Nelum bium stem TS 
Bougainvillia stem TS 
Brassica (mustard) stem TS 
Cactus cladode TS 
Calotropis stem TS 
Casurina stem TS
Chenopodium stem TS 
Clematis stem TS 
Cosmos stem TS 
Capparis stem T.S. 
Cucurbita young stem TS 
Cucurbita old stem TS 
Cucurbita stem LS 
Cuscuta with host TS 
Ficus stem TS 
Helianthus young stem TS/LS 
Helianthus old stem TS/LS 
Ipomea stem TS 
Jussaea stem TS 
Leptadenia stem TS 
Euphorbia stem TS 
Bignonia stem TS 
Leucas stem TS 
Mirabilis stem TS 
Moringa stem TS 
Muhlenbeckia cladode TS 
Nyctanthus stem TS 
Nymphaea stem TS 
Pepromia stem TS 
Piper stem TS 
Portulaca stem TS 
Ricinus (castor) stem TS 
Ranuncullus stem TS 
Salvadora stem TS 
Tinospora stem TS 
Trapa stem TS 
Tillia stem TS 
Vinca rosea stem TS 
Vitis stem TS 
Xanthium stem TS 

Dicotyledon Root :
Avicenia pneumatophore TS 
Boerhevia roots TS 
Beet root TS 
Brassica root TS 
Cucurbita root TS 
Cuscuta haustoria VS 
Dicot root primary TS 
Dicot TS commencent of sec. growth 
Dicot root old TS 
Dicot root TS origin or lateral roots 
Ficus aerial roots TS 
Helianthus root TS/LS 
Legume root with nodules TS 
Nymphaea root TS 
Pananus aerial root TS 
Ranunculus root TS 
Tinospora aerial root TS 
c Monocytsledon Stem 
Asparagus TS 
Dracaena stem TS 
Grass stem TS 
Hydrilla stem TS 
Maize mature stem TS 
Maize stem LS 
Ruscus stem TS 
Smilex stem TS
Triticum (wheat) stem TS 

Monocotyledon Root :
Maize root TS 
Maize root LS 
Maize root TS & LS on same slide 
Orchid root showing velamen TS
Root with root hairs WM 
Root with root cap LS 
Asparagus root TS 

Dicotyledon Leaves :
Bryophyllum leaf TS 
Drosera leaf WM 
Dicot leaf typical TS 
Dionaea leaf TS to show glands
Ficus leaf TS 
Helianthus leaf TS
Cucurbita leaf TS 
Nyphaea leaf TS 
Leaf skeleton WM 
Mesophytic leaf TS 
Xerophytic leaf TS 
Hydrophytic leaf TS 
Nerium leaf TS (Sunken stomata) 
Nepenthes pitcher TS 
Pepromia leaf TS 
Stem apex LS origin of leaves 
Utricularia WM 

Monocotyledon leaves :
Allium leaf TS 
Dracaena leaf TS 
Hydrilla leaf TS 
Orchid leaf TS 
Maize leaf TS 
Eichornia leaf TS 
Monocot typical leaf TS 
Trapa leaf TS 
Triticum (wheat) leaf TS 
Vallisneria leaf TS 
Rhizophora leaf TS 

Compariative Study Slides :
Dicot and Monocot stem on the same slide
Herbaceous and Woody stem TS on same slide
Primary and Secondary stem TS on same slide
Monocot and Dicot root TS on same slide
Dicot and Monocot leaf on the same slide
Dicot stem TS and LS on the same slide
Monocot stem TS and LS on the same slide
Primary and Secondary root on same slide

Vascular Bundles Type :
Conjoint Collateral open 
Conjoint Collateral closed 
Conjoint bicollateral 
Concentric Amphivasal 
Concentric Aphhicribral 

Floral Morphology :
Anona flower bud LS/TS 
Anther WM/TS 
Citrus flower bud LS/TS 
Epigynous flower LS 
Hypogynous flower LS 
Perigynous flower LS 
Nelumbium flower bud LS 
Nymphaea flower bud TS 
Pollen grains different types 
Pollen grains germinating

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